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skucon at Home Video Content Portal

Posted by commonsku on Jun 27, 2022 4:08:40 AM


The New (Supply Chain) World Order with David Nicholson

In this session, David will share more insight as he looks at the impact of COVID-19 on the industry’s supply chain and the macro-trends emerging through this experience that might impact our businesses, plus, suggestions on how we can navigate our way through these tumultuous times.


A skucon story with Meg Erber

Big order fails. Brillant client saves. Narrow margin orders that went south. Product disasters. Embarrassing client moments. We've all had them. Most of the stories in the industry are normal, the simple price we pay for being in a crazily-adventurous, anything-can-happen, deadline-driven business. But these stories? The best of the best of them. 5-minute promo tales to put a smile on your face. Make you think. And mostly, to remind you ... you are not alone.


An Exclusive Interview Between Jamie Mair and Barry Deutsch

As a company that works with some of the world’s most notable brands, Jamie Mair and Barry Deutsch will discuss how large buyers are shifting their spending, the challenges with sports and events clients who are now in paralysis, and ideas on how we can approach the market with alternative ideas.



A skucon story with Nick Lateur

Big order fails. Brillant client saves. Narrow margin orders that went south. Product disasters. Embarrassing client moments. We've all had them. Most of the stories in the industry are normal, the simple price we pay for being in a crazily-adventurous, anything-can-happen, deadline-driven business. But these stories? The best of the best of them. 5-minute promo tales to put a smile on your face. Make you think. And mostly, to remind you ... you are not alone.



Growing Sales Through Adversity

In this session with sales powerhouses Renya Nelson of Brand Aid and Tom Rector of Screenbroidery, we’ll have an open dialogue about the kinds of new actions they have implemented and new opportunities they are uncovering at this time are leading to sales.



Preparing for “Day One” with Pierre Martichoux and Kate Plummer (Supplier Session)

In this session, Pierre Martichoux, CEO of Chameleon Like, and Kate Plummer with Clearmount welcomes other suppliers as they have an open chat about the challenges of reopening their business. 



Marketing Matters with Anna Branch and Hayley Green

In this breakout discussion, two of the industry’s marketing leaders from two of the most imaginative distributor brands, will talk about where their marketing focus is going and where they are looking to see results. 



Leading Your Sales Team Through Tough Times with Gillian Utesch & Samantha Kates

Whether it’s leading a sales team through a decline in sales or selling through a difficult economy, in this session, Gillian Utesch and Sam Kates will talk about the ways their sales team is changing their thinking and shifting their actions to approach new ways of selling.



Navigating Sales in the New Climate with Johanna Gottlieb and Samantha Kates

In this breakout, Johanna Gottlieb and Sam Kates will chat about these questions and more and they share how they are shifting their sales strategy and the changing world of tactics and tools they are using to move the needle on sales.



Embracing the New Normal with Brandon Mackay (Supplier Session)

In this open dialogue, Brandon Mackay, CEO of SnugZ USA, will field questions about a variety of topics as they manage this new environment such as managing inventory, cash, working with distributors, and a look at how this might change our businesses for the long term.



Expanding Your Services for Greater Client Loyalty with Janie Gaunce

In this session, Janie Gaunce wants to take the mystery out of “reinvention” and “transformation” by sharing ways that you can expand your business and shift your model by simply adding more services beyond promo. Learn how expanding your horizons and making small adjustments can create lasting relationships with clients.



Sustaining Values Through Difficult Times with Denise Taschereau and Sarah White

In this session with Sarah White and Denise Taschereau with Fairware, we will talk about some of the real-time challenges many of us are facing and how to adhere to the values that give us the strength to handle tough choices.



Alternative Resources for Revenue with Chris Ferriter

Join us as we chat with Chris Ferriter about the types of opportunities that have presented themselves to the SoBe team and how their business has pivoted to embrace the new business environment.



Raise Your Glass! with Angie and Cola Svec

They will show you how to ignite a swagtastic experience with the official 'skucon at home' signature drink! We will share the necessary provisions so you can make your cocktail right along with the Soul & Swag mixologists, or grab your favorite concoction so we can raise a glass and imbibe together!



Positioning During a Downturn with April Dunford

In this keynote, April will share how to sharpen your positioning to ensure your value proposition resonates with customers grappling with a shifting operational and financial landscape. We will also discuss how your value proposition may need to shift to align with changing customer priorities and how best to make that switch.



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