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Episode 234: No Charge for Shipping? The Probitas Story

Posted by commonsku on Aug 31, 2022 4:15:17 PM

What if you had a colleague in your company who suggested that from now on, you wouldn’t charge for shipping?

And now, what if that colleague was the boss? Because that’s exactly what happened when Matt Fischer suggested in a board meeting with his team, that they implement a no charge for shipping policy, and after the idea was met with stunned silence and finally agreement: they did.

But that’s not the only story we have to share with you today.

Our guests are Matt Fischer, CEO and one of the founders and owners at Probitas Promotions and Krisi Lund, Account Manager and client expert extraordinaire. Probitas is a North Dakota-based distributor. Part of their story is the merging/acquisition of Trojan Promotions in 2019. Trojan Promotions was a distributorship owned by Jessica and Troy Nelson who were tragically killed in an accident. Today, Krisi and Matt share the story of how they integrated two different teams while honoring the work of Jessica and Troy.

We talk about:

-the impact of the no shipping policy

-how they brought together two companies at a very difficult time

-how they sandbox ideas including the two podcasts they host

-the effectiveness of cold calling

-Matt’s insight on how technology is the present and future differentiator for distributors.

Join us as we chat with the innovative thinkers at Probitas!


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